Exemption for driving into the city centre pedestrian zone


To drive into the city centre pedestrian zone outside fixed loading and unloading times you need an exemption. The exemption is linked to the car's number plate and you apply for this in P-loket.

Apply and pay

  • Log in to P-Loket using your DigiD (individuals) or eHerkenning (company).
  • You will see the exemption(s) you can apply for.
  • Pay with iDeal for the whole term of the exemption.
  • The exemption starts on the date you choose when you apply. 
  • If you still meet the conditions at the end of the year, the annual exemption will automatically be extended by 1 year. You will receive a payment request for the new year. 

What you need to know

Loading and unloading in the city centre pedestrian zone without an exemption 

You can load and unload without an exemption on: 

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 7.00 to 11.00 hours and from 17.00 to 19.00 hours
  • Thursday from 7.00 to 11.00 hours

Exemption for driving into the city centre pedestrian zone - registration plate change

If you have a different car temporarily for example hire or lease car, or you have bought a new car, tell us about the (temporary) number plate change. Go to the Exemption for driving into the city centre pedestrian zone - registration plate change page.

Cancel an exemption 

Cancel an exemption in P-Loket. The money you have paid will not be refunded if you cancel the exemption earlier than the final date of the exemption.

Camera checks

Outside the loading and unloading times, a camera takes photos of the number plates of vehicles that drive into the city centre pedestrian zone. Vehicles with no exemption will receive a fine for a traffic offence.

Saving photos  

A photo of a vehicle with a valid exemption will be destroyed immediately. A photo will only be saved if the vehicle does not have a valid exemption. If the driver objects to the fine, the photo may be needed as evidence. The photo will be destroyed after the deadline for submitting an objection has passed.

Map of pedestrian zone with camera locations (Dutch)

Types and conditions of exemptions 

Annual exemption

The following may have an Annual Exemption:  

  • companies located in the pedestrian zone with their own car park (POET)
  • residents living in the pedestrian zone with private parking (POET)
  • companies or residents in the pedestrian zone with 1 or more rented parking spaces
  • residents living in the pedestrian zone with their own disabled parking space
  • market traders with a permit for a stall at the weekly market in the pedestrian zone
  • general practitioners and midwives 

The annual exemption always ends on 31 December of that year.

Three-month exemption

A three-month exemption is available for companies carrying out work (for example construction work) within the pedestrian zone. When you apply for an exemption, this must include a letter confirming the assignment, or a work order. The exemption ends 3 months after the start date. 

Day exemption 

Anyone can apply for a day exemption. The exemption applies for one day and ends the day after at 06.00 hours. 


The costs for an exemption for driving into the city centre pedestrian zone for a car and the type of exemption.

Type of exemptionAmount
Annual exemption€ 62,31
Three-month exemption€ 62,31
Day exemption€ 26,14