A fine for a traffic offence

If you park where (legally) no parking is allowed, this is a traffic offence and you might receive a fine for this. If you find a label attached to the door handle or the windscreen wiper of your car, this is a notice of a decision.

What you need to know

If you find a label attached to the door handle or the windscreen wiper of your car, this is a notice of a decision. The amount of the fine depends on the offence. 
You will receive the decision from the Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB) (Central Judicial Debt Collection Agency). You also pay your fine to the CJIB.


If you do not agree with the decision, you can make an objection to the public prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor's Offices Public Ministry for Central Processing (CVOM).

Fine for a traffic offence and request a photo

If the fine for a traffic offence is in your name, if you wish you can ask for the photo of the offence.

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