Change manager in your licence
If a different manager joins your company or if the company is taken over by a different owner, you must send the municipality a request for adjustment of your existing licence. If approved, your details will be amended in your alcoholic beverage and food service licence.
Operating permit food service sector
If you want to notify a new manager for your operating permit, you must apply for a new operating permit.
Alcoholic beverage and food service licence
On 1 April 2024, the Alcohol Act (Alcoholwet) and the Alcohol Decree (Alcoholbesluit) were amended with regards to off-licence stores. The addendum to off-licence permits issued before 1 April 2024 lists the managers who must be present when the off-licence is open.
Prior to 1 April 2024, a request always had to be submitted if these managers changed. After 1 April 2024, this is no longer necessary. From then on, only the business owners responsible for operating the off-licence have to be listed in the addendum to the off-licence permit. All other managers (store managers or premises supervisors) no longer have to be listed in the addendum to the permit. However, certain requirements still apply to all managers who work at the off-licence:
- The manager is 21 years of age or older.
- The manager holds a Social Hygiene diploma and is listed in the Social Hygiene Register.
Adding managers to a hospitality establishment
The amendment on 1 April 2024 to the Alcohol Act and the Alcohol Decree does not affect hospitality establishments. In those establishments, the premises supervisor must still be listed in the addendum to the Alcohol Act permit. You must therefore still request any changes to the managers listed in the addendum to a (para-commercial) Alcohol Act permit. Include a copy or copies of the identity document(s) and signed employment contract(s) for the new manager(s) with your request.
Once you have received the confirmation of receipt, the individuals referred to in the request can act as managers. Make sure you keep a copy of the confirmation of receipt and request form present at the business. The managers must already hold the Social Hygiene diploma and be listed in the Social Hygiene Register.
Removing hospitality establishment managers
In principle, you do not have to report the departure of a manager. However, if you do wish to report this you can use the Change button. You can also report this at the same time as informing us of the new manager(s).
The costs associated with informing us of a change in manager are € 309,16.