Up-to-date and accurate information
Breda council is responsible for the content of this website and makes every effort to keep it up-to-date and accurate. The information on this website is user friendly and accessible.
If you find information that is wrong or old, or if you would like to comment on how the information is displayed, let us know using the emojis on the page, or contact the council.
The council will treat any information you send to us confidentially. You will find more information in the council's privacy statements.
Website images
If you would like to receive information about the use of images/photos on this website, please contact us. The large main images were taken by TPJ Verhoeven Photography. These are protected by copyright. If you would like to know more about these, contact the photographer.
In the 'Samen aan de slag voor Bavel' ('Working Together For Bavel') section, some images were taken by PHOTEDby Edwin Wiekens. These are protected by copyright.
If you would like to know more about images protected by copyright, contact the photographer.
Links to other websites
To make things easier for you, through this website you are able to visit other websites not administered by Breda council. Breda council is not responsible for third-party websites. It tries to only redirect users to websites where information is easy to access.
Links to apps
To also make things easier for you when using mobile devices, the council provides links to apps, but does not manage them (for example, the Bouwapp (construction project app), the Afvalwijzer (Guide for waste) and the BuitenBeter (Better Outside) app). As well as providing information, these apps often allow you to receive updates and/or to get in touch. When you share (personal) data through the app, this is usually processed by the owner of the app.