Subscription for Overnight Bicycle Storage


With a Subscription for Overnight Bicycle Storage, you can store your bicycle or moped in the municipal bicycle storage areas 24/7. You can only enter or leave during opening hours.

Bicycle storage areas

Information on opening times and facilities of the municipal bicycle storage areas.

How it works


Request a subscription for overnight bicycle storage at You can request a bicycle or a moped subscription valid for one month or one year.

Renew subscription

You can renew your subscription at Renewal is not automatic. 

Key fob and barcode

You will be given a barcode card (key fob) to enter or leave the bicycle storage area and a barcode sticker for your bicycle or moped. This is scanned when you enter or leave. When you renew your subscription, tell us that this must be linked to your key fob, or tell us if you need a new key fob.

Key fob lost or stolen

You can ask the staff at the bicycle storage areas for a new key fob. They will link the new key fob to your subscription. Or you can do this yourself at


  • Moped subscription € 90 for 12 months
  • Moped subscription € 90 for 1 month
  • Bicycle subscription € 60 for 12 months
  • Bicycle subscription € 5 for 1 month