
What type of waste goes where?

Only a small percentage of waste is 'real waste'. Most waste can be turned into new raw materials.

By separating waste properly, very little non-recyclable waste remains, which is better for the environment.  Sometimes, it's obvious: a newspaper goes in with paper waste and cut grass with vegetable, fruit and garden waste. But what happens to a tea glass, or a leaking paddling pool? 

You will find what type of waste goes where on the Afvalwijzer Breda (Dutch). Also check if you can have your 'old' items repaired or take them to a charity shop.

Afval scheiden

Breda is taking part! 

Raw materials are becoming harder to find and we want to have enough of them in the future too, so we must separate waste whenever possible. We also want to cut down on non-recyclable waste. Plus, there are plenty of opportunities to prevent waste and/or reuse waste. All of this is possible in Breda. Breda/duurzaam(Dutch)!

Breda doet mee

Prevent waste: request a no/yes sticker or a no/no sticker

If you prefer not to receive unaddressed printed advertising material and/or free newspapers, request a no/yes sticker or a no/no sticker and stick this on your letterbox. You will receive the sticker by post within 5 working days.
