Vegetable, fruit, garden and food waste

Vegetable, fruit, garden and food waste (VFG+F) should be placed in your wheelie bin at home, or in the VFG+F waste container outside your apartment block or in your area. VFG+F waste is normally collected once every 2 weeks.

In May, June, and July, VFG+F is emptied every week. Check the Waste Collection Calendar for the next pickup dates.

Vegetable, fruit, garden and foodwaste

  • coffee filters
  • coffee pods
  • cooked food scraps
  • egg shells
  • fruit, vegetable and garden waste
  • grass (mowed, cut)
  • kitchen roll and tissues with food residues
  • leaves, flowers and plant waste
  • mussel shells
  • nut shells
  • potato peeling
  • small pet manure or straw (guinea pig, hamster, rabbit)
  • tea bags
  • weeds
  • compostable bags with seedling logo (Dutch)

Where are the containers

Overview of collection points in Breda.